Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Want to map a song for Taikojiro?

I'm accepting submissions from people who want their mapped songs featured on Taikojiro! Please note that you need to know how to use the Osu! simulator or know how to map using TJA Editor to feature it here!

I will create a seperate page for custom maps from people to be shared with other players.

Please send your Osu file or Taikojiro simfile to my e-mail at flyboy_87@hotmail.com

Note: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU LABEL YOUR DONS AND KATS APPROPRIATELY (ensure they are in the correct colour) BEFORE SUBMISSION, thank you!


  1. Can I get a explination in how to create a simfile? I googled TJA editor but didn't get anything useful.

  2. Creating using Taikojiro is difficult - try using the Osu! simulator. It's way easier and has many tutorials to guide you.

  3. Hey, how can i reset the keys?
    I don't understand the "keyconf"

  4. Y .. You can convert OSU files into Taikojiro files ? :O

    I've done a lot of OSU taiko maps, but I didn't labeled the dons and kats, is there really a problem ? because I don't wanna edit all of my maps ....

  5. Well, there isn't a program to do that. I wish it existed.

    I just mainly "translate" the notes from Osu! into Taikojiro manually. ^^;;
